【完整題目】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should be responsible for paying college tuition for all domestic students?



Nowadays, college tuition is getting higher and higher. Students need to pay more to get a college degree. Some people think that the government should be responsible for the high education cost and help to pay the tuition for all domestic students, while others think that college students should pay the tuition by themselves. As far as I am concerned, it is the students' responsibility to earn and pay for the tuition by themselves.


First of all, if the students do not need to pay their tuition, they will not take college education seriously. My cousin Alex, who studies in the United States, needs to pay the tuition on his own without any support from his family. He spent two years earning the tuition and getting the loan from the bank before going to the college. Compared with his friends who have their family support to study in college, he studies harder, communicates with professors in office hours often and takes each class seriously. He knows how expensive college education is and wants to earn the most from it.


In addition, our government has limited income. If the government pays the tuition for all domestic college students, the budget for other national sectors will be decreased. The government should spend the money on more countrywide policies such as national defense, elementary education or infrastructure. Those policies can benefit all the national residents since not all the people want to get a college degree.


To sum up, even college tuition is getting higher, the students should pay the tuition on their own instead of relying on the government. By paying their tuition, the students will know how expensive education is, think before they decide to go to college and study harder in college. Moreover, the government can have sufficient budgets to focus on other more important national policies and infrastructure. Therefore, I believe that the government should not be responsible for paying college tuition for all domestic students.







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