【完整題目】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, professor should be required to fail a certain percentage of students in class every semester?



Some people claim that it is professors’ duties to assist all the students to pass the courses, while others say that professors should fail a certain portion of the students in the classes to impel students to have better academic performance. As far as I am concerned, I agree that professors should fail several students in class every semester.


To begin with, most of the students are passive learners. If professors announce that they will fail certain students in the beginning of semester, students will put more efforts on the academic works. Take my cousin as an example. He is a university student and also leader of many student organizations. Sometimes he would skip some classes to handle the chores of the organizations. However, he tells me that he never skips the algorithms class because the professor made the warning in the first class that 10 percent of them would not pass the course. Due to the notice, my cousin puts more efforts on algorithms than other courses. As a result, he got an “A” on algorithm, which is the only “A” on his transcript.


In addition, the difficulties of the class can be increased if the professors will fail certain percentage of students; hence, the professional abilities of the students who pass the class can be acknowledged. For instance, I took a data analysis course in my sophomore year. Since the professor said that he would fail the students, I studied extremely hard in this class. Due to the hard work, I not only passed the class but also built strong analytical skills. Moreover, I successfully got an internship because the employer saw that I got good grades on this class and believed that I possess solid analytical knowledge under the training of this strict professor.


To sum up, I agree that the professor should be required to fail certain percentage of students in the class. This is because that students would study harder for the class and build stronger academic skills if they know they might be failed in the class.







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