【完整題目】Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Which of these two ways of spending time do you think is better?



When asked what you like to do during your free time, majority of people would think of hanging out with friends, besides gathering with family. Some people like to spend time with only a few intimate friends. However, as far as I am concerned, I think it is better and more fun to gather with a large number of friends.  


First of all, a bunch of friends with a variety of industrial and cultural background make the discussion in the gathering more interesting. Due to the diversified background, people hold different viewpoints on the same thing, and it is enjoyable for me to hear people share the opinions which are not identical. For example, when I have free time, I like to join the monthly coffee chat which was held by my former class leader. There, I can not only meet old friends who are currently working in different industries but also learn some opportunities of other industries and receive various viewpoints of global issues.


In addition, I like to fulfill my life with diverse experiences, and spending time with different kinds of friends can help me open up my world to new experiences. For instance, I have joined an outdoor activity club for five years. In the club, there are so many experts. They lead me to experience different kinds of outdoor activities, such as hiking, diving and snowboarding. Had I not joined the club and met those friends, I will not have been able to try those activities on my own and had so many unforgettable memories.


To sum up, I strongly prefer to spend time with a number of friends. This is because those friends can share different opinions that inspire you, help you step out of your comfort zone and lead you to experience different lifestyles.







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