【完整題目】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  I think there is too much violence in movies.



It is very common for people to go to movie theater with friends or enjoy a movie night at home with their families. It is also important to choose a good movie to enjoy, because people  do not want to ruin two hours of precious free time. However, some people complain that there is more and more violence in the movie, and it is hard for them to get relaxed in the movie. As far as I am concerned, I agree that there is too much violence in movies. The reasons go as follows.  


First of all, more and more social issues have happened and the murders claimed that they were just imitating the characters in the movies. Because some people may immerse themselves in the movies too much ,and they may not be able to distinguish the reality and the movie. They may imagine that they have the superpower as the hero in the movie ,or the movie awakes  the other side of the heart so that they can use knife to hurt others and save the lives back as well. If there were not so many violent or horrible scenes in the movies, there would be less social issues.   


In addition, since more and more movies compete in the market now, it seems that it is getting usual for the directors to add some violent or horrible scenes in the movie, in order to attract more audience to watch. However, it makes the parents get harder to pick an ideal movie for their children. Take myself as an example. When I was young, I liked to watch movies in my free time, and my parents seldom bothered about what kind of the movie I watched. Now, I go to a movie theater with my niece, but I never let her pick the movie except for the animation. I am afraid that there will be too much violence in the movie since I have not checked the content before.


To sum up, people can see that there is too much violence in movies from the increasing social issues. The directors expect to use the violence scenes to attract more audience. Moreover, more and more parents choose the movies for their children because they are afraid that the content may not be good for their children. I believe that there is too much violence in movies.










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