【完整題目】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  Childhood is the happiest time of a person's life.



When confronting with the frustration or obstacles, many people would say that" I wish I were a kid". Because childhood is the most carefree time of people's life, people would like to back to that period rather than deal with the thorny issues in the current life. Therefore, I believe that childhood is the happiest time of a person's life. Here are the reasons below.


To begin with, children do not need to fulfill too many people's expectations. Children's characteristics in society as very simple. A child just needs to be a good student in the school or be a good child in the family. Therefore, children do not need to do a lot of things, such as preparing an outstanding presentation for the boss and make money to support the family, in order to fulfill other people's expectation. What children need to do is studying hard and behaving well.


In addition, children can be easily forgiven for their mistakes. People are seldom mad at children's faults because they think that children are still too young to do things right or make the correct decisions. However, as adults, they have to think twice before their action. If an adult makes a mistake, people may not only be angry at their careless but also deny their contributions in every aspect. An adult needs to pay more efforts to be forgiven and earn the trust back. Nevertheless, if people were children, everything would be easier. Children can do whatever they want without worrying about the consequence of their action.   


To sum up, people do not have so many expectations for children and have more tolerance of the children. Because people do not have so much pressure and have to face so many challenges and worries during the childhood, I believe that childhood is the happiest time of a person's life.









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