【完整題目】A successful life



When it comes to a successful life, many people think that higher status and greater wealth are the two indispensable(a.不可缺少的) parts. However, from my point of view, the two most important elements for a successful life are the capability of pursuing personal dream and having the accompany of people who love you and whom you love. Here are some reasons below.


First of all, we(老師說學術文章,盡量不要用we可以改用people) can enjoy a happy and successful life if we are able to pursue our dream and realize it gradually. Take my friend, Amy, as an example. Her major was in medical because her parents hoped that she could be a doctor. Even though she got good grades when studying in medical, I seldom saw smile on her face. Since she is good at drawing, she finally decided to change the major to Art. Now, she is an artist. Although she is still not very renowned and earn little, everytime I talk with her, I can feel that she is happy and satisfied with her current life. She thinks that she has a successful life because she can realize her dream step by step and do not live under the expectations of others.


In addition, love is equally crucial to a successful life. When I worked in China as an expatriate, many people thought that I had a wonderful life because of the position and high-paying salary. However, I decided to move back to Taiwan after five years. Being alone in China makes me feel depressed because there is no one who loves me or I love stay with me when I am sad or happy. Back to Taiwan, I live with my family and hang out with my friend on the weekend. Surrounded by the people I care the most, I believe that this is my ideal and successful life.


To sum up, in my opinion, people who have successful life can pursue his or her dream without too many concerns. Moreover, they can stay with their family and the loved ones. I believe this kind of life is what we call a successful life. 






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