【完整題目】EssayTopic Summarize the points 「professors on television(教授上電視)」made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.


Professors are normally found in university classrooms, offices, and libraries doing research and lecturing to their students. More and more ,however, they also appear as guests on television news programs, giving expert commentary on the latest events in the world. These television appearances are of great benefits to the professors themselves as well as to their universaities and the general public.

Professors benefit from appearing on television because by doing so they acquire reputations as authorities in their academic fields among a much wider audience than they have on campus. If a professor publishes views in an academic journal, only other scholars will learn about and appreciate those views. But when a professor appears on TV, thousands of people outside the narrow academic community become aware of the professor’s ideas. Therefore, when professors share their ideas with a television audience,the professors’ importance as scholars is enhanced.

Universities also benefit from such appearance. The universities receive positive publicity when their professors appear on TV. When people see a knowledgeable faculty member of a university on television,they think more highly of that university. That then leads to an improved reputation for the university. Futhermore, the improved reputation in turn leads to more donations for the university and more applications from potential students.

Finally, the public gains from professors’ appearing on television. Most television viewers normally have no contact with university professors. When professors appear on television, viewers have a chance to learn from experts and to be exposed to views that they might otherwise never hear about. Television is generally a medium for commentary that tends to be superficial, not deep or thoughtful.From professors on television, by contrast,viewers get a taste of real expertise and insight.



Lately, we have been seeing some professors on television. Though it's sometimes claimed to be a good thing.we should question whether anybody really benefits from it. First of all, it's not good for the professors themselves - not from a professional standpoint. Rightly or wrongly, a professor who appears on TV tends to get the reputation among fellow professors of being someone who is not a serious scholar- someone who chooses to entertain rather than to educate. And for that reasson, TV professors may not be  invited to important conference- important meetings to discuss their academic work. They may even have difficulty getting money to do research. So for professors, being a TV celebrity has important disadvantages.

A second point is that being on TV can take a lot of a professor’s time – not just the time on TV but also time figuring out what to present and time spent rehearsing, travel time,even time getting made up to look good for the cameras. And all this time comes out of the time the professor can spend doing research, meeting with students, and attending to university and its students when professors are in the TV studio and not on campus.

So who does benefit? The public? That’s not so clear either.Look,professors do have a lot of knowledge to offer, but TV networks don’t want really serious in-depth academic lectures for after-dinner viewing.What the networks want is the academic title, not the intellectual substance. The material that professors usually present on TV-such as background on current events, or some brief historical introduction to a new movie version of a great literary work-this material is not much different from what viewers would get from a TV reporter who had done a little homework.



The speaker and the reading passage both discuss whether professors appear on TV is a good thing or not. The author states three points to prove that it is beneficial for almost everyone if professors share their views on TV. However, the speaker refutes the author's argument and casts doubt on it for the following reasons.


First, although the author claims that the importance of the professors can be enhanced if they can share their view on TV since more and more people will be aware of the professors' ideas, the speaker disagrees with this point. She argues that professors will not be viewed as serious scholars because people will think that they just want to entertain others not educate. Therefore, those professors who appear on TV will have less opportunity to be invited to important academic conferences and get less money to work on research.


In addition, even though the author says that the university will receive more donation and have more applications from potentials students if professors appear on TV, the speaker points out that professors will have less time to do research, schedule meeting with students and attend the university business if they need to prepare the material shown on TV.


Finally, while the author indicates that the audience can learn from experts and gain more thoughtful insight from the professors, the speaker mentions that the materials shown on TV will not be as thorough as the material on lecture. To let all the viewers understand, those materials will be just as simple as a brief introduction.


In conclusion, based on the evidence presented above, it can be clearly seen that the stances on both sides are paradoxical, for the speaker does not find the author's argument is compelling.






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