Many people believe that it is very important to make large amount of money, while others are satisfied to earn a comfortable living. Analyze each viewpoint and take a stand.
It has been long discussed that people should make enough money or as much as possible. Some people may think that earning a comfortable living is enough, while others claim that it is essential to make enormous amount of money. As far as I am concerned, I am more inclined to be satisfied with earning a comfortable living.
First of all, choosing to earn a comfortable living makes people have better life quality and able to spend more time with families and the loved ones. Take my uncle as an example. He was an international manager. It was a high-paying job; however, he spent most of his time attending trade shows and visiting customers in different countries. When he came home, he was too exhausted to have a quality family time with his children, and he even missed some important growth stages that children have only once in their lives. Too frequent overwork also affected his physical and mental health. As a result, he gave up that job and chose to work in a company near his home. Now, He has better relationships with his wife and children since he has more time to accompany them. Moreover, this job is more relaxing. He does not need to worry about his work all the time. Hence, he has a better life quality, although he gets less pay in this job.
Even though some people may assert that earning a lot of money is very important, I still believe that the disadvantage outweighs the advantages. For instance, people may have money to pay for a vacation in luxury resorts. Nonetheless, people are not able to enjoy it since they are too busy to have time for relaxing. Furthermore, people have enough money to pay for expensive haute cuisines, but they may not be able to truly enjoy them due to health problems from overwork.
To sum up, I would choose to earn a comfortable living. This is because I believe that spending time with families and having a good quality life are more important than earning a lot of money.