通常會是二選一,例如:同意或不同意某個意見?或 A與B喜歡哪一個?
- 準備(15秒):可以先在白紙上,大概寫下想回答的 答案 & 理由
- 回答(45秒):
In my opinion, I think (N或子句,選項A) is better than (N或子句,項B) 比較喜歡選項A勝過選項B
Here are for some reasons,
First of all, I think that _____________ , for example ______________.
In addition, I consider that _____________ , for instance ______________.
Third, I regard that _____________ , because .
Therefore, these are the reasons why I prefer to _______________. ( 不一定要說,除非時間還有剩,可以當緩衝 )
- 閱讀(45秒):通常是和校園政策有關的主題,記得邊讀邊寫下簡要的重點。
- 聽力(大概2分鐘):通常是學生間相討論,有關政策的贊成或反對(務必把理由記下來!!!!!!)。
- 準備(30秒):可以在白紙上,大概寫下回答的架構和重點。
- 回答(60秒):
The reading passage states that ____________. ( 把閱讀到的內容,先破題 )
According to the listening passage,
The man (或 woman) tends to agree (support) / disagree(dislike) of the ______________(文章主題) for some reasons.
First of all, he(或she) points out that _______________. (理由一)
Moreover, he(或she) also mentions that ________________. (理由二)
Third, he(或she) states that ________________. (理由三)
These are the reasons why the man(或 woman) agrees/disagrees with the plan. ( 不一定要說,除非時間還有剩,可以當緩衝 )
- 閱讀(45秒):看一篇跟某個主題有關的學術文章,記得邊讀邊寫下簡要的重點。
- 聽力:內容為反駁或更深入解釋剛剛閱讀的文章,通常會提供例子(務必筆記下來!!!!!!)。
- 準備(30秒):單純表達聽力中聽到的內容即可,千萬不要自己解釋!!!!
- 回答(60秒):
The article states the concept of _______________________ .(文大意,盡量15秒解決,可以在閱讀的文章中找)
And according to the listening passage,(仔細聽舉幾個例子,以及例子的內容,務必記下來)
First of all, it points out that _______________. (理由一)
Moreover, it mentions that ________________. (理由二)
Third, it presents that ________________. (理由三)
As a result, according to the lecturer, the ______________(本文主題) is that ______________(本文大意).
( 結尾不一定要說,除非時間還有剩,可以當緩衝 )
- 聽力(大概2分鐘):通常是時間比較長的學術演講,記得邊聽邊寫筆記,避免睡著><
- 準備(20秒):把聽到的說出來就好,不用說個人意見,只要總結聽力的演講內容即可。
- 回答(60秒):
the lecturer talks about the concept of ______________________. (本文主題)
And the professor provides __some examples___ to further explain the concept.
First of all, he(或she) points out that _______________. (理由一)
Moreover, he(或she) also mentions that ________________. (理由二)
Third, he(或she) indicates that ________________. (理由三)