【完整題目】In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with such a solution?

Please provide details and examples to support your response.



Due to the increasing traffic problems, some people suggest the government to tax the private car owners heavily and use the additional income to improve the public transportation. As far as I am concerned, several advantages and disadvantages exist, so the government should take into account several factors.


To begin with, this policy can not only reduce the problem of traffic congestion but also protect the environment. There will be a decrease in the number of private car owners if people have to pay more tax for owning a car. Because the cost of driving increases, people would prefer to take public transportation instead of driving on their own. There will be fewer problems with traffic congestion if more and more people take public transportation.  Moreover, the fewer the people drive on the street, the less the pollution will be. Our environment will be better if the amount of air pollution created by the automobiles is reduced. Thus, these are the advantages if the government implements this policy.


However, some people complain that the policy not only increases their cost of living but also makes their life more inconvenient. For people living in rural areas, they need to commute to downtown to work; nevertheless, public transportation in rural areas is not as convenient as that in the city center. It is not possible for them to take public transportation to the workplace. If the policy is implemented, they need to pay more on transportation. This would be unfair to those people.


To sum up, even though this policy may reduce the problem of traffic congestion and be good for the protection of the environment, there are still some drawbacks. The government should think twice before raising the tax on private car owners. This policy may be a good solution for traffic problems; however, it is not beneficial for all citizens. 






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