第一題是Integrated Writing(整合寫作),第二題則是Independent Writing(獨立寫作),以下為模板分享~
第一題 Integrated Writing(整合寫作)
一定要邊聽邊努力記下來>< (聽力通常都是反駁閱讀的立場,聽說作文內容盡量多寫聽力聽到的東西,會比較好拿分)
閱讀的內容:the reading vs 聽力的內容:the lecturer或the speaker
In this set of materials, the reading passage / the author of reading / article / text(可更換) states / explains / claims / indicates / describes/ provides / presents / asserts / mentions / illustrates / points out (可更換) that __________________【填文章的立場】.
However, the listening / listening passage / lecture / speech(可更換) provides / presents(可更換) contrasting / opposite(可更換) perspectives/views/ideas/viewpoints(可更換) (或 the listening passage contradicts / casts doubt on the information provided in the reading passage.)
In addition, the lisetning passage further reinforces the idea presented in the reading passage.
First of all, based on the reading passage, the author claims that _____________. For example,__________.(先舉文章的例子).However, the listening passage indicates that _______________(再舉聽力的例子) .For example,__________. As a result, ____________.
In addition, the article asserts that __________.Nevertheless, the lecture points out that _____________.
Third, the text mentions that _______________. Nonetheless, the speech illustrates that _______________.
→結尾 (沒寫沒關係)
In conclusion, the article and the lecture hold contrary perspectives/views/ideas/viewpoints(可更換) toward ________________
第二題Independent Writing(獨立寫作)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The government should be responsible for paying pension for its citizens.
_______________(題目中的N) have/has an indispensable role to play in each individual's life. It has been long discussed that _____________________(題目). Some people may think that__________,while I firmly habor the belief that______________.(第一段就要說出自己的觀點,【同意or不同意】)
→中間舉例 (舉2或3個不同理由的例子)
To begin with( 或First of all ) , _____________________________(寫自己想的舉例一). Take _______(人) as an example,__________________________. Hence,______________________________________.
In addition, _____________________________(寫自己想的舉例二). For instance,_______________________________. Therefore,______________________________________.
Finally, _____________________________(寫自己想的舉例三). For example,_______________________________. Thus,______________________________________.
In conclusion, ________________(寫自己的觀點,總結前面三個舉例).Consequently, I strongly agree/disagree that _______________.
- 然而 However = in contrast = nevertheless = while = whereas = notwithstanding = yet
- 因此 Therefore = thus = as a result = hence = accordingly = consequently
- 雖然 Although = despite = while = in spite of = though = whereas
- 例如 For instance = for example = take…as an example = such as
- 首先 First of all = To begin with
- 再加上 In addition = besides = moreover = furthermore
- 相反地 In contrast = on the other hand = on the contrary
- 同樣地 Likewise = similarly
- 因為 because = since = as = for